Saturday, January 9, 2016

Where's the Titanium?

When I got out my paints after being away from the motor home for a month, I panicked as there was no Titanium White. I then remembered taking that large tube home with me... Now what? I used Naples Yellow Light and am relieved I was able to get the painting done! A big bunch of radishes from the farmers market this morning in Fernandina Beach. No stopping me now!



  1. Your Naples was the perfect color to lighten red and green. It turned out to be a gorgeous painting. Love it!

  2. Thank you so much Julie! At first I really panicked then considered the possibility. Still need to get my Titanium though!

  3. Way to solve the problem, Anne! I would have been up that proverbial creek. Now I'm going to always take along Naples yellow. (Great for skin tones too! Fernandina Beach is wonderful. Am so darned jelly. Hope your trip keeps on being great. Love the beets, too.

    1. Thanks Libby, I was just so determined to paint! When I finally made the time I wasn't going to be deterred! Thanks for visiting and commenting too.

  4. Love it Anne.........I agree that Naples yellow was a perfect choice. Red can get so chalky when you mix it with white and you solved that totally. I love Fernandina Beach - judged their art show during the Shrimp Festival last year and intend on getting back there this year to do some plein the architecture.

  5. I never would have considered it before, since my palette is usually so limited. Wish I'd had a chance to visit you- your paintings are really reflecting local experience!
