Monday, October 14, 2024

A Few New Paintings

These three are in the Members Show at Spring Bull Gallery which can be seen through October 27th, 2024.

If you can’t get to Newport, RI -all paintings can be purchased direct from our gallery. We ship UPS.

24”x24” May the Seas Lie Smooth Before You

12”x24” May a Gentle Breeze Forever Fill Your Sails
8”x8” Warmth in the Sun


Sunday, September 1, 2024

Happy always to see those red dots- SOLD to someone who has several of my paintings- Castle Hill Lighthouse in Newport, Rhode Island. 

Very happy that this recent painting also sold at Spring Bull Gallery- the buyer came in while I was gallery sitting and that made it all the more special!
I’ve been hard at work (and having a great time) on a new series that will be at the gallery on Sept 21- Oct 27th in an exhibit titled NEW DIRECTIONS. All of the paintings are from a small area of Second Beach called Surfer’s End. Some are from photo references and some are painted plein air. I can’t wait to show them to you- here’s the very first one I did. 12x24.



Thursday, August 8, 2024

Coastal Rhythms is the new show at Spring Bull Gallery . Juried by artist Shaun Rock- all three of my entries were accepted!. The show is up from August 3rd to September 15th, 2024, with an opening reception and awards on August 10th, from 4-6pm. 

                                   Surfer’s End -12x16- $650

Buoys lll -24x12- $1050

Castle Hill Lighthouse- 16x12-$650

Saturday, August 3, 2024


Saw these colorful lobster buoys when we were out for dinner at the Newport Lobster Shack, came back when they were closed (after I asked permission!) and got a good start on these two oil paintings- each12x24. Can be seen in Jamestown at The Fuller Gallery


Sunday, June 30, 2024

More of the Challenge

Here’s 5 more from the June 30x30 direct watercolor challenge. I still have one to go to catch up. It’s been quite interesting, as I’m an oil painter- which is so forgiving! And direct means no drawing first, so that makes it even harder. Practice…. And sharpen those skills!

Here’s a day where I played catch up…the same set up twice. By looking longer, you really do see more!

These two were also done on the same day, down at Second Beach in Middletown, RI. The girl boogie boarding - I just kept painting her as she moved around. I’d like to try this again- figures at the beach. All of these were from direct observation- no photos!

Saturday, June 29, 2024

30x30 Direct Watercolor

 I’m always up for a good art challenge and this one pushed me out of my comfort zone. Direct means no preliminary drawing, and watercolor is definitely not my medium. I missed a few days and had to play catch up, but learned quite a bit. Here’s a few of my favorites- by which I mean most successful! 

Day 1/30. View from my deck.

I also used gouache, painting only from direct observation. Not doing any drawing first help improve my drawing skills. I’ll post a few more tomorrow!

Saturday, June 1, 2024

And now it’s June

 I’ve continued with my series of family portraits- this time focusing on my daughter Jessica. I’m happy with the colors, her expression, and those earrings! You can see my underpainting- starting more directly there, instead of with a drawing first.

And for the fun of it- here’s a self portrait in charcoal I found while trying to declutter my studio. My best guess is about twenty years ago.

Sunday, April 7, 2024

What??? It’s April????

 No excuses! Not that I’ve been in the wind, traveling in the motorhome, a jaunt to Florida for three weeks and only a week left here in Hilton Head, SC before heading back to RI.

I did finish the portrait of my sister. She’s happy so I’m happy.

Marjorie looks serious

Saturday, February 17, 2024


 As much as I love to get away in the winter- I always have the dilemma of what my art will look like when we travel in our motorhome. What kind of consistent practice can I get excited about- and more importantly- stick with? I joined Sktchy and am taking a class called Drawing Faces with France Van Stone.I’m jumping around the lessons which is fun; sometimes we draw with Procreate (where I’m learning a lot), but mostly it’s graphite. This drawing was not from the class but a photo of my sister. I picked this one because she was smiling, and I wanted the challenge!

These eyes are from a lesson, but the ones on the bottom right are from a photo of me. Self portrait coming ….?!

Sunday, February 11, 2024


 Glad I got this portrait of my grandson done- as he has cut his hair and donated it all to an organization that makes wigs for cancer patients. Way to go Aidan- an example that his Mom has set more than once! His hair was absolutely gorgeous, thick, blonde and wavy! Working more on drawing lately, will share in next post.

Thursday, January 25, 2024


 How does the idea of New Year’s resolutions resonate with you? It’s already almost the end of January, so some have probably been broken already. Ok- I’ll just speak for myself! Haven’t given up sugar! Haven’t been to the gym 3 times a week! Not even meditating daily! But what I have done is started a consistent study of portraiture. I want to paint the family- we’re a small one so that’s good- in oil on 8x8 cradled panel. I’ll be sharing my portrait drawings too- I’m going on a deep dive into portraiture!

Here’s the first one- my granddaughter Teagan. She’ll be turning sixteen in a few weeks! And did you notice too, how the time is flying by!

Painted over an old panel, I did a grid first then did my best at getting the features where they belong and the proportions correct.

 I ended up pleased, but after a lot of tweaking, scraping and reassessing!

Saturday, January 13, 2024

A Colorful New Year

Here we are in a New Year- already it’s the 13th! I wanted to make a post, say hello and just share one of my greatest loves- COLOR!

The top image is a little canvas with the primaries on the top row- left to right- Ultramarine White, Cadmium Yellow Light, Cadmium Red Light and Ultramarine Blue. All the other colors are mixed from these four-which I didn’t think would be possible. Don’t you need masses of tubes to get all the colors? Well, no you don’t. When I studied at The Lyme Academy of Fine Art- we were not allowed any more than these 4 in Painting 101. I don’t restrict myself in that way any longer but still value the harmony that a limited palette will bring to any painting.

This next image is a color chart dating back to my days at the Lyme Academy- it’s a value scale. I look at it today and know I could do a much better job, but it’s a great reminder of how far I’ve come since I started painting in 2000. Remember- it’s progress- NOT perfection- and that goes for all the facets of my life.