Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Under the Mt Hope Bridge

This spot under the Mt Hope Bridge is one I've wanted to paint before, and now here we are. Struggled with this until I took a few suggestions from my painting bud Judy Chaves about value. Things seem to be so much lighter than I see them to be at first, then when I make the correction, ahah, it reads correctly. Thank you!


  1. Watch out for Trolls under the Bridges. This painting really works. I have been enjoying your tree paintings, but somehow this one really stands out as my favorite. the colors and composition really work. I would be curious to know what suggestions your friend made.

  2. One thing I've been trying to do more consistently is using the small circle opening in the viewfinder to check my values. What I mix for sky, for example, is invariably quite a bit darker than the sky when I compare the two through the view finder.I also find that I make the far land mass too dark and again, correct it when I compare using the viewfinder.I also check values by making a narrow vertical opening in the viewfinder and holding it up against the scene I'm trying to figure out. Thanks for stopping by and thanks for asking!
