Monday, February 11, 2013

All About Green and Thoughts on Change

Here are the paintings in green that I did for the 30 day challenge last month. I only painted from life, the problem child here was my bag from the Metropolitan Museum in New York, it started to sag midway through being painted. And I thought I could rely on an inanimate object to behave!
Artist note: expect change, no set up is without some variation, especially if any amount of time passes,  and to remain flexible is the best approach. Sometimes an unexpected result will occur that you might not have thought of. And you will be pleased if you don't hold too tightly to things as you "thought they should be."
Wear life like a loose painting smock.


  1. I love the bag and you can tell what it is made from by the wonderful way you painted it.

    Laughed and enjoyed your final - wear life...

    Trying to pass the word on "comment security." I hate them and sometimes cannot even read the numbers but then I found out by accident you can place any two numbers in the slot and it will go through. try it.

  2. Great post! Your last line brought a laugh!!

    I like all your greens together!

  3. Love the composition and the colors.
